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20 August 2013
This is a low power photomicrograph of the heart tissue from this case. At this magnification the structure looks relatively normal.
This is a gross photograph of section of heart tissue from this case. The tissue was firm and had a waxy texture. If you use your imagination you can see pale yellow areas within this tissue which represent the amyloid deposits.
19 August 2013
IPLab:Lab 5:Trisomy 21
Created page with "== Images == <gallery heights="250px" widths="250px"> File:IPLab5Downs1.jpg|This is a photomicrograph of cells obtained by amniocentesis that were stained using FISH. The cell..."
This is a karyotype of a patient with Turner syndrome (45, X).
This is a karyotype of a patient with Klinefelter syndrome (47, XXY).
FISH is also useful in the diagnosis of other genetic disorders. This is an example of FISH staining on another patient using a probe specific for DiGeorge's disease. The arrow shows that there is a deletion on chromosome 22, which is diagnostic for Di...
Chromosomes from the chromosome spread are lined up to demonstrate the karyotype. In this case there are three copies of chromosome 21, just as noted in the FISH.
These cells, obtained by amniocentesis, were cultured and then arrested in metaphase. Nuclei from these cells were isolated and stained to demonstrate the banding pattern of each chromosome. This photograph shows a "chromosome spread." Each chromosome ...
This is a photomicrograph of cells obtained by amniocentesis that were stained using FISH. The cell in panel 1 was stained with markers specific for the X and Y-chromosomes. The cell in panel 2 was stained with a marker specific for chromosome 18. The ...
Closer view of cut surface of the thyroid with nodular goiter. Note the multilobular appearance of the tissue.
IPLab:Lab 6:Graves Disease
Created page with "== Images == <gallery heights="250px" widths="250px"> File:IPLab6GravesDisease1.jpg|This is a photograph of the thyroid from this case. Note that the gland is enlarged and is ..."
This is a gross photograph of a thyroid from a case of nodular goiter.
This is a high-power photomicrograph of thyroid. Note the papillary projections and the moth-eaten appearance of the colloid. This appearance indicates active absorption of the colloid to form thyroglobulin.
This is a high-power photomicrograph of thyroid. Note the cellularity of the tissue with marked infolding of the epithelial tissue.
This is a higher-power photomicrograph of thyroid. The tissue is very cellular and there is little colloid.
This is a low-power photomicrograph of thyroid tissue from this case. The tissue is very cellular with very little colloid.
This is a photograph of the thyroid from this case. Note that the gland is enlarged and is dark red.
IPLab:Lab 6:Rheumatoid Arthritis
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IPLab:Lab 6:Rheumatoid Arthritis
Created page with "== Images == <gallery heights="250px" widths="250px"> File:IPLab6RA1.jpg|This is a gross photograph of the patient's hands at autopsy. Note the swollen joints and the deformin..."
This is a high-power photomicrograph of another region with macrophages (right), fibrocytes (left), and occasional lymphocytes throughout the lesion.
This is a high-power photomicrograph of the mononuclear cells which surround the central area of necrosis. The focal accumulations of fibrinoid material are clearly visible. Lymphocytes are present in the extreme right of this image.
This higher-power photomicrograph of the tissue illustrates the palisading nuclei of the monocytes which are located around the periphery of the central necrotic region (1).
This higher-power photomicrograph of the subcutaneous nodule again demonstrates the necrotic center and peripheral rim of macrophages, fibrocytes, and occasional lymphocytes. There are focal accumulations of hyaline material (fibrinoid material) within...
This higher-power photomicrograph of the subcutaneous nodule shows a granulomatous lesion with a necrotic center and a peripheral rim of macrophages, fibrocytes, and occasional lymphocytes. In the necrotic center of the granuloma there is some minerali...
This is a low-power photomicrograph of the subcutaneous nodule from this patient.
This is a gross photograph of the foot from this same patient. Note the subcutaneous nodule on the medial aspect of the foot (arrow).
This is a high-power photomicrograph of the joint capsule with another granuloma surrounding a central area of fibrinoid necrosis (arrow).
This is a medium-power photomicrograph of the joint capsule surrounding the metacarpal joints. Note the thickening of the capsule and the focal accumulation of inflammatory cells surrounding a central area of fibrinoid necrosis (arrow).
This is a gross photograph of the patient's hands at autopsy. Note the swollen joints and the deforming arthritis.
IPLab:Lab 13:Additional Resources
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IPLab:Lab 13:Additional Resources
Created page with "== Images == * [ WebPath: Perinatal-Pediatric] == Quizzes == * ["
IPLab:Lab 13:Objectives
Created page with "* Know the basic age groupings and what types of injuries or diseases are most common in each of these age groups. * Describe the usual causes, the pathogenesis, the treatment..."
Template:IPLab 13
Created page with "{{Navbox |name = IPLab 13 |title = IPLab |bodyclass = hlist Lab 13: Diseases of Infancy |group1 = Lab 13: Diseases of Infancy |list1 = * ..."
Category:IPLab:Lab 13
Created page with "Category: IPLab"
IPLab:Lab 13
Created page with "* Objectives * Spine: Myelomeningocele * Liver: Biliary Atresia * IPLab:Lab 13..."
IPLab:Lab 12:Additional Resources
Created page with "== Images == * [ WebPath: Forensic Pathology] == Quizzes == * ["
IPLab:Lab 12:Objectives
Created page with "* Be able to describe the mechanisms of action and the detrimental effects of the common types of environmental pollutants, chemicals, and drugs. * Define anthracosis, silicos..."
Template:IPLab 12
Created page with "{{Navbox |name = IPLab 12 |title = IPLab |bodyclass = hlist Lab 12: Environmental Pathology |group1 = Lab 12: Environmental Pathology |li..."
Category:IPLab:Lab 12
Created page with "Category: IPLab"
IPLab:Lab 12
Created page with "* Objectives * Liver: Alcoholic Cirrhosis * IPLab:Lab 12:Acetaminophen Toxicity|Liver: Acetaminophen Toxicit..."
IPLab:Lab 11:Additional Resources
Created page with "== Images == * [ WebPath: Infectious Diseases] {{IPLab 11}} Category: IPLab:Lab 11"
IPLab:Lab 11:Objectives
Created page with "* Know the major classes of parasites. * Be able to describe the basic mechanisms by which the major classes of parasites cause disease. * Be familiar with the geographic dist..."
Template:IPLab 11
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Template:IPLab 11
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Template:IPLab 11
Created page with "{{Navbox |name = IPLab 10 |title = IPLab |bodyclass = hlist Lab 11: Parasitic Diseases |group1 = Lab 10: Parasitic Diseases |list1 = * ..."
Category:IPLab:Lab 11
Created page with "Category: IPLab"
IPLab:Lab 11
Created page with "* Objectives * Malaria * Leishmaniasis * Ascariasis * IPLab:L..."
IPLab:Lab 10:Additional Resources
Created page with "== Images == * [ WebPath: Infectious Diseases] {{IPLab 10}} Category: IPLab:Lab 10"
IPLab:Lab 10:Objectives
Created page with "* Know the general morphologic characteristics of fungal infections and host responses to these infections. * Know the organisms of the common mycoses. Be able to describe the..."
Template:IPLab 10
Created page with "{{Navbox |name = IPLab 10 |title = IPLab |bodyclass = hlist Lab 10: Fungal Diseases |group1 = Lab 10: Fungal Diseases |list1 = * IPLab:..."